Andrea Calestani Photographer

Street vendors

For these photographs I couldn’t say whether I drew their inspiration from a glance or from a smell. Which of the two senses was the instigator of the shot? From the “street-food” of Taipei and Shanghai, to the picturesque “floating markets” of Thailand, wandering through alleys and markets crowded beyond belief. Full of unusual smells and sensations. And incredible color palettes.

Then my curiosity took on a method of observing/photographing who was cooking, who was eating, who was selling food. Sneaking into places where food was prepared and consumed. The shapes of food were another hypnotic attraction; like everything that was there, so distant and unusual compared to our habits. But also, the sellers of many other junks of every type and hypothetical necessity.

Open-air markets, everywhere, but particularly in the East, are the best stage to talk about the habits and morals of the local people. And food, I don’t think there is another thing that establishes the sincerest identity imprint of a population: authentic “genius loci“. A cross-section of bulimic humanity emerged.

And for the people I met on my journey it was obvious, their time was marked by rhythms based on the continuous, almost compulsive intake of food. At any time of day or night.

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